“Jana.PK At Home” is a personalized travel booking service that brings the convenience of professional travel assistance to your doorstep. Our dedicated agents assist you in planning and booking your travel arrangements, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Booking Form

    FlightsHotelGroup TourFamily TripHoneymoon TripUmrahDomestic TourOther


    Terms and Conditions for Jana.pk @ Home:

    Booking Fee

    • A booking fee of 3000 PKR will be charged upon initiating the travel planning process. This fee will be deducted from the final service fee once your trip is confirmed and booked.

    Payment and Refund Policy

    • The booking fee is non-refundable if ticket reservations are not successfully secured through Jana.pk @ Home.
    • In case we are unable to secure ticket reservations for your trip, the booking fee will not be refunded.
    • The booking fee will only be refunded if Jana.pk @ Home is unable to fulfil its commitment to providing travel booking services as outlined in the service agreement.

    Final Service Fee

    • The final service fee covers the cost of travel arrangements, including flights, accommodations, and other related services, as agreed upon.
    • A service fee of 1% of the final invoice amount will be charged upon confirmation of your trip.
    • The booking fee of 3000 PKR, which the customer has paid in advance, will be adjusted against the final service fee of 1% of the total invoice amount.

    Per Visit Time

    • Each visit from a Jana.pk @ Home travel agent has a maximum duration of 45 minutes. During this time, we will discuss your travel preferences, and needs, and initiate the planning process.

    Date and Time Change Flexibility

    • Customers have the flexibility to change the scheduled visit date and time up to 6 hours before the selected slot.
    • Any changes to the visit date and time must be communicated to Jana.pk @ home by the customer within the specified timeframe.

    Service Confirmation

    • The booking fee payment does not guarantee confirmation of travel services. It serves as an initial commitment to initiate the travel planning process.
    • Travel services will only be confirmed once the final service fee is paid, which includes the adjusted amount from the booking fee, and you receive written confirmation from Jana.pk @ Home.

    Service Scope

    • Jana.pk @ Home is responsible for providing travel assistance, including consultation, booking, and coordination of travel services.
    • The service scope is outlined during the initial consultation and may include flight reservations, hotel bookings, transportation arrangements, and itinerary planning.

    Changes and Cancellations:

    • Any changes or cancellations to the travel itinerary must be communicated to Jana.pk @ Home as soon as possible.
    • Changes to travel arrangements may incur additional fees based on the complexity of the request and the policies of travel providers.


    • While we strive to provide accurate and timely travel information, Jana.pk @ Home is not liable for any changes, disruptions, or issues that may arise during your travel.
    • It is recommended that customers consider purchasing travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances during their trip.

    Data Privacy

    • Jana.pk @ Home respects your privacy and will handle your personal and travel information in accordance with its privacy policy.
    • Customer information will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent.

    Legal Compliance

    • Jana.pk @ Home operates in compliance with local laws and regulations related to travel services and business operations.

    Agreement Modification

    • Jana.pk @ Home reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Customers will be notified of any changes.